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Ludum Dare 28 - You Only Have One

Saturday, December 14th, 2013

Hello friends! I’m going to be writing a few posts here about my Ludum Dare entry and process. For the unfamiliar, Ludum Dare is a 48-hour game making competition around a particular theme, in this case “You Only Have One” I haven’t had the time to make an entry in ages, not since my last failed attempt. My goal this time is to have a completish game, something that doesn’t raise an exception to exit the game =).

After some stumblin’ and bumblin’ I decided to have a game around a lone dragon protecting a little village of hapless tribespeople. As you protect the village, they grow and do more stuff, but also become more dependent on you to keep them safe and content.

Now that I am writing this down, this is sounding like some Randian screed on the virtue of self-reliance. It’s not. It’s just that dragons are cool, and Twitter agrees.

Here’s a screenshot of what I have so far. Next thing is to get the dragon in motion and breathing fire, then we’re talkin!

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